Thursday, October 20, 2011

Snookie would be considered a peasant in VN

My apologies for the misspelling in the previous posts. As some of you might've guessed, they were posted by Jamie. With me, you'll only get bad grammar, especially w plurals and past/future tenses. :0p Also with me, you'll see more pictures of dogs. They're everywhere. Most, kinda mangy w ticks.

Yes, the diarrhea has settled in for one of us, I won't say which. Yet, we are not afraid because that just comes w/ the territory. We've been having amazing food in alley ways for about $1.50 ea. We also have been eating up to 4 times a day, with random snacking along the day. There are just so many things to eat and not enough time!

Today we ventured to a tourist area of Saigon. My sister was full of jokes and kept teasing Jamie whenever we see a white tourists, referring to them as his relatives. We went to this nice rooftop bar with amazing views of the city where my sister was in awe of the prices of the items on the menu. She enjoyed herself though, because she would never dare do something like that for herself.

We saw a very funny ad/infomercial on tv today. A whitening cream! It was offensive because the models just wore "blackface" makeup. Jamie and I both cracked up and talked about how we could spoof a jersey shore/viet nam thing, and only Vietnamese Americans would get it. People are afraid to be dark here, and they try to stay out of the sun as much as possible. We spent a lot of time walking today, and people thought we were crazy that we didn't want to ride a taxi to our destinations. But through walking and getting lost, we saw a lot of the city. Eventually, the crowd, pollution, heat, and honking got to us.

People so far have been very helpful and nice to us. Jamie gets the most stares everywhere we go while I fit in real well. Tomorrow, we are moving on down to Can Tho (Mekong delta). We are looking forward to it, escaping the busy, busy lifestyle of Saigon. We are still a bit jet lagged, waking up real early in the AM, and sluggish during mid-day. With the heat, humidity, and time difference, we are constantly tired. It's close to 10pm now, and Jamie is passed out!

Because we are posting through our email, we cannot attach as many pictures as we would like. :0( wish you were here to share in our fun! Sleepy time now, so tired and drunk.



  1. Is there anywhere in the world I wouldn't be mistaken for a homeless person?

  2. lol... same sentiment in China... actually, i think pretty much all of asia. lighter skin is a sign of prosperity. peasants, on the other hand, would have dark skins as they have to work in the fields/out doors. commercials on Chinese tv for cosmetics are all about the promise of their skin whitening power... creepy really.
